Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Menangkap buah segar dari pohon layu

Hah? Apa sih nih judulnya?

Ga jelas bgt dech, huek, najonk

Aha, jangan lebay gitu donk, baca dulu makanya..

Maksud saya adalah:
ingin melihat sisi paling positif dan atau mengambil hal2 baik yg didapat dari liburan saya-yang anda tahu kalo baca-yang sangat "seru" ini!

Haha, ternyata setelah saya merenung sejenak dan apalagi saya belum mandi sehari ini-gw janji bakal mandi abis ngpost!-saya mulai bisa mengerti kebaikan2 dari liburan yg jahat.

The positive things i made/got:
  • Belajar masak!
    Gw udah bisa masak, ya walaupun masakan katro dan simpel, tapi trust me it is very delicious! Abang gw aja sampe nagih.. (it is a recipe that made from cheese, meat, noodle, egg, and also your creativity!)
  • Berhasil bikin cerpen perdana! KOSONG
    kebetulan ada lomba dari UI gitu dan tangan gw bergerak menulis tanpa henti 2 malam, and i finished it in 10 pages (it is short story, but my friends like to call that: long story)
    Whatever lah, gw puas bgt yg satu itu.. Hope i could make it in a novel, and get a lot of money just like the other famous writer did..
  • Mengembangkan blog!
    Blog ini udah lama bgt nganggur, trus norak, trus kagak ada yg mo liat. yeah. I know it is a few people want to see this. It doesnt matter for me. I love writing, and im happy to do it in my blog..
  • Belajar menepati janji
    Banyak janji gw tebar, tapi dikit yg gw ambil. Sama aja, gw ngerasain bgt ada bbrp org yg g nepatin janji sm gw, it's okay. I think i have to change myself first before the others..
  • Membuat prioritas
    Di liburan gw yg bloody s**t ini gw ga punya prioritas. Bagusnya gw sekarang nyadar gw harus punya. And of course God in the first place. FYI, if u do that, ur life will greater! Haha I've experienced it before, but now I have a long distance relationship wit GOD, and it feels bad, worst I think!
    And I think that's why my holiday f**ked up. Stay away with GOd will pull you into sadness and hell.

SOOO, Which one do you prefer?
Burnt in Hell
Smiling in Heaven
rada keluar jalur-gakpapa lah

Stay on your priority friend!!
Sandro Loves U

1 comment:

  1. this blog.......
    you really know how to write,eh?
    it's a great are good.
    HAHA what else can i say?

    -btw, the last part of your blog..............................always SLU


hallo tolong dikomentari dengan jujur, tulis nama anda.
kalo kagak ngerti, pilih aja yg anonymous..

ya tulis ape kek gitu biar penuh