Thursday, June 11, 2009

SAMPAH ABIS [jgn nyesel kl ngklik!!] thx.hahah,dijamin nyesel

Hai hai, saya sebagai pemain di industri kreatif, ingin memperkenalkan
Kepada anda teman2 (baik yg ditag maupun yg ngga sengaja ngeklik ini) sebuah
metode penulisan terbaru, YEAH!

Suatu inovasi dari cerpen, poem, komik dan apapun itu,
Saya beri nama: "CEBOK!" alias "cerita poto gitu deh bok!" YEAHYEAHYEAH!!

Jadi saya bikin sebuah cerita yang disuguhkan oleh foto2 yg indah,
dan cerita itu sendiri ditulis pada setiap caption di bawahnya..

Kebetulan saya sudah buat sebuah cebok, dan cerita ini sangat menegangkan!
Pasti tegang deh suwer,sumprit!! Syaratnya Anda harus mengikuti dari awal sampai akhir foto!
Silahkan klik di:


Silahkan like di notes ini dan juga di album yg bersangkutan,
Pemberian komen yg menantang pun sangat dinantinantikan utk pengembangan
ke arah yg positif.. Terima kasih utk waktu Anda yg berharga!!

-posted at my notes at FB:

Kepribadian gw menurut dukun jepang

You are Gold Pegasus.
Just being around you, people can feel relaxed and safe.
You are excellent friend to be with.
You are open and do not fuss over detailed things.
You are a person of heart who is liked by many people.
It doesn't mean that you are a sketchy person; you can also take care of delicate matters.
You have both the cool and easy going personality; therefore you tend to be popular with women.
You possess rich sensitivity, and en excellent imagination.
You are good at many different fields, and can come out with fabulous results.
You will analyze a matter thoroughly and deeply.
You have an excellent talent to gain an insight of people's character and also to predict the future.
You tend to have very realistic processing power.
You put importance onto manners and temperance.
You think high of righteousness, and can be hard on your self and on others.
Even the circumstance is disadvantageous; you will choose the reasonable path.
Nevertheless, if you are not convicted enough, you can easily give up.
You therefore lack the last push, and therefore may result in failures.
You have good fortune in businesses.
Your fortune will further get better, if you realize your lack of uniformity, and try to be more persistent.

-coba aj cuy
tell ur comment friend..

Poem or Prayer? Don't read this though

Praying is an action I can do best
I can't run further, I need a break
Can't control it, the train is too fast
Father! Please give me a brake

It's provocative and it's not perfect
I've done better than anyone could make
Maybe its naive, but its a pure fact
Dont trust me? Just give it a check


I couldn't see my future
Because I was blind
But now I see with sure
Because YOU've gave me a sign

This is the first and the last
"I love you LORD" that's what I say
I promise you this is the best
Just for you Lord no matter what they say

Clock is ticking, time is running out
I can't face this but I can't runaway!
Do you hear my prayer? It's freaking loud
But I know, YOU hear every word I say

It's looked hard and tough
But I believe I can go through
Bcause YOU've covered me with your love
And I believe that YOUR promise is true


From now on, I'll raise a banner
for YOU my LORD, my provider
Forgive me LORD, cos' I'm a sinner
Heal me LORD, so I can see world clearer

There are many obstacle
and many admit it's impossible
LORD, I need miracle
to turn it into feasible..


Sandro Hanaehan Sirait, saturday 2 may 09 [22:20]
This is poem bout my future and my optimistic because
I believe God's plan is good and great

Please coment after read..thx, God Bless You my friend..

-I posted it at notes in my facebook

Love you 'til the end? Curhatan lama yg tidak layak dibaca

Udah lama banget ya kita ga ngobrol
It feels like a thousand year
--lebay bgt yak
Udah lama banget kita ga sharing
Meskipun gw ga pernah tahu yg sebenarnya ttg lo
--lebay sih emang,tapi ini bener

Gila! Gw keganggu banget
Dengan perasaan semu ini
--bener sangat!
Yang mengganjal hati pikiran
Yang memaksa utk dikeluarkan
--sampah emg harus dibuang!

Sori gw ud nulis nama lo
Di hati gw, otak gw, buku gw
--menurut lo bisa nulis di hati?apalagi otak.gila bgt dh gw
And even you've been my password, Because
--udah diganti lah
I thought you're the key of my life
--ah klise lo ndro

This is the first and the last
Gw ga mau ini terjadi lagi dan lagi
Gw harap ini yang terbaik
Yang bisa gw lakuin, so that:

U can live yours and
I can live mine
--ih g kreatif ikut2 usher

Nevertheless, I love u till the end --(of this paragraph?)


Tulisan curhat ato puisi atau apapun ini
Dibuat tanggal 4 feb 09
Ketika pikiran buntu dan dunia serasa berhenti
Medium penulisan pun berusaha menjadi pahlawan
Dan rela berkorban untuk dijadikan objek vandalisme
Seorang pria yang merasa dirinya melankolis dan memiliki idealisme tinggi mengenai prinsip tujuan hidup dan kemuliaan TUHAN

klo yg dibawahnya itu masi seger makanya aneh

ini dari notesfacebook gw: