Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kepribadian gw menurut dukun jepang

You are Gold Pegasus.
Just being around you, people can feel relaxed and safe.
You are excellent friend to be with.
You are open and do not fuss over detailed things.
You are a person of heart who is liked by many people.
It doesn't mean that you are a sketchy person; you can also take care of delicate matters.
You have both the cool and easy going personality; therefore you tend to be popular with women.
You possess rich sensitivity, and en excellent imagination.
You are good at many different fields, and can come out with fabulous results.
You will analyze a matter thoroughly and deeply.
You have an excellent talent to gain an insight of people's character and also to predict the future.
You tend to have very realistic processing power.
You put importance onto manners and temperance.
You think high of righteousness, and can be hard on your self and on others.
Even the circumstance is disadvantageous; you will choose the reasonable path.
Nevertheless, if you are not convicted enough, you can easily give up.
You therefore lack the last push, and therefore may result in failures.
You have good fortune in businesses.
Your fortune will further get better, if you realize your lack of uniformity, and try to be more persistent.

-coba aj cuy
tell ur comment friend..

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hallo tolong dikomentari dengan jujur, tulis nama anda.
kalo kagak ngerti, pilih aja yg anonymous..

ya tulis ape kek gitu biar penuh